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 TNTECO - SanPhamChiTiet

Real Estate
Resident Portal


Digitalizing portal and residential management through the information technology application with the aim of building a management channel for finance and utility services in the building in order to optimize time, expenses and resources to help increase residents' satisfaction index as well as enhance the reputation of the building management board.


Process time


Human resource expenses


Customers are satisfied with the product

Lợi ích
    • ​Digitalizing residential management by applying IT.
    • Saving time, expenses and human resources.
    • Forming a quality communication channel among the parties of the apartment building.
Mục tiêu
    • ​Providing a comprehensive solution that addresses the needs of residential management in the apartment building.
    • Providing utility tools for residents and apartment management board.
    • Providing a quality interactive communication channel between residents and the apartment management board.

  • ​Directly reflecting information, service quality and receiving confirmation of information processing right on the App.
  • Tracking and checking service fees of the apartment.
  • Paying service charges, electricity, water and other services right on the App through the payment gateways.
  • Receiving news and announcements from the administration directly on the application.
  • Receiving and using services, promotions from management board and commercial partners of the management board.

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